Contact us at: [email protected]

Whether you are going on holiday or just work long hours, we ensure your pet will be Happy at Home.

Happy at Home Pet Sitting Service is a small, well established family business caring for pets in and around Hazel Grove and Stockport.
We look after your pets in the comfort of their own home, whilst you are away from home.
All pets are kept in their normal routine, whilst their owners are away to ensure the pet is happy, comfortable and receives all the love and attention that they are used to.

Happy at Home Pet Sitting Service are FULLY INSURED for pet sitting, we also hold current Enhanced Police CRB/DBS certifcates.
Happy at Home Pet Sitting Service generally explains itself. Your pets stay in the comfort of their own home ,whilst being cared for by us, ensuring no distress to the pet while their owners are away from home.
We know from personal experience the effort and hard work trying to find boarding that suits your pet, that they are happy and comfortable in and of course, whom you can trust to look after your pet.

Each pet sitting service will be tailored to your pets every need which is discussed on a FREE consultation visit. This will include filling in a Pet Record with details of your pet and emergency contacts. This also gives us chance to meet you and your pet before the sitting starts.
We use an unmarked vehicle so NOT advertising to passers by that you are away from home.

Animals get stressed and suffer anxiety very easily, especially when they sense change, this is why we have set up Happy at Home Pet Sitting Service.
We will visit your home on a regular basis throughout the day, clean, feed, cuddle , have playtime and exercise your pet ensuring they stay in the normal same routine.
We also write a detailed visit report of our visit, can send picture messages / text messages / emails / WhatsApp even FaceTime if you have the facility , just to give you added reassurance that your pet is happy at home.

We can also, should you require, house sit, close /open curtains lights on/off, sound equipment on/off (back ground sound can also reassure the pet while their owners are away) put bins out on correct days, maintain garden and plants. This is INCLUDED in our prices.
We even offer a "Welcome home" package with the essentials you need when coming back from holiday at cost price.

Happy at Home Pet Sitting Service was established back in early 2013. Since then we have done thousands of visits, caring for all types of animals around Hazel Grove all with 100% positive feedback. This is something we are very proud of and continue to maintain.

We are also experienced in giving additional support and care for animals who struggle to eat, blind animals , animals with severe medical conditions and disabilities.
As pet lovers, we treat each and every pet we are employed to look after, as if they are our own, lavishing them with all the love and attention they need.

Whether your cat needs a knee to sit on, your owl needs an arm to sit on, or your fish needs a happy face to look at, Happy at Home Pet Sitting Service ensures you that your pets are Happy at Home.